Rules and Regulations

  1. A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the university examinations.
  2. Student who are absent from classes without permission for 3 or more consecutive working days, will be laible to disciplinary action including deletion / striking off of their names from the colege register.
  3. There will be mandotary montly tests/assignment/projecys,etc for each subject for all classes of all stream. Marks awarded will be conducted for "Continuous Assessment" in the respective subjects as per University requirement.
  4. Student are to communicate in English within the College Campus.
  5. A minimum of 75% attendance is required to be eligible for Scholarship.
  6. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibit and stern action will be initiated against any student found guilty of the offence. Futher. as per Supreme Court order dated 1-5-2001, All student and their guardians will be required to duly fill up and sign an undertaking at the time of admission to the college to the effect the he/she shall be laible if found guilty.
  7. Alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, tobacco etc. are strictly prohibited within the College Campus.
  8. Student are to maintain politness, cleanliness and moral discipline in the college.
  9. Use of Mobile phone are banned inside the college premises.
  10. DRESS CODE: Students must dress in a nead, clean and decent manner.
  11. All student shall take part in various activities and function organised in the college.
  12. It is mandatory for all atudents of all streams to wear their Identity Cards within the college campus.
Back To Previous Page | Page last updated date: 03-09-2024


The college has a duly appointed IQAC and NAAC steering Committee working tirelessly to get Accreditation from NAAC in the next few years. IQAC headed by Shri Tejan A Momin, Coordinator & Head, Department of Physics is embarked on a path of Quality Initiatives, Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement in the college. The college is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University, Shillong since 1958 and is recognized under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act 1956. The NAAC steering Committee created for this purpose and the various Convenors of the different criterion are working hard to prepare the Self-Study Report (SSR) of the institution and submit to NAAC office Bangalore for assessment and accreditation. The Self Study report was prepared and uploaded to NAAC on 17-02-2022 and has prequalified on 24-04-2022 for further assesment . The Self Study Report can be accessed by clicking the link here: Self Study Report