Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) or National Higher Education Mission is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), spearheaded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) with the collaboration of State Government. Launched in 2013, the primary aim of the mission is to develop higher education in the country by ensuring access, equity and quality by providing strategic funding to eligible state higher educational institutions. 
The state of Meghalaya has given consent to participate in RUSA, with 90 % Central assistance and 10 % State Share. The assistance under RUSA mission will enable the state to improve the Gross Enrolment Ratio [G.E.R.] by enabling better access, equity and quality in higher education. The State and its institutions as a whole have benefited handsomely from the strategic funding of RUSA. In phase-I itself the State is getting its first Technical institutions in the field of Engineering and Architecture & Urban Planning which will greatly mitigate the exodus of students seeking education in these fields outside the State.   Furthermore, Infrastructure Grants to Government and Government Aided Colleges which has plugged in the gap of dire infrastructure requirement where in institutions have been able to expand and upgrade their campuses including procurement of the necessary furniture and equipment.  

The Equity Initiatives has been the soul of the RUSA mission as this grant directly helps the students. The institutions are asked to prepare perspective plans for  student centric Programs such as Remedial classes and Competitive exams coaching classes, Soft skill and Personality development programs so as  to foster in skill development, computer coaching classes, programs on gender sensitization, drug abuse etc. and also innovative programs such as entrepreneurial development, program in waste management, programs in hospitality and tourism, disaster management program, self-defense programs for  women etc.  

With the success of the RUSA project in the first phase, under the second phase the state has been approved for the sanction of grants for Setting of New Model Degree College, up gradation of existing Degree College into Model Degree College and Infrastructure Grants to colleges. 

In Tura Government College, Tura:

Tura Government College, being RUSA beneficiary, received funds for Equity Initiatives
during the session 2016-17. While planning equity programs under RUSA funding, college ensured that all programs are student-centric with maximum learning outcomes and benefits. It was also kept in mind that all students are benefited equitably.

Different initiatives/programs organized by the college with the RUSA funding (1st installment) are: 

Equal Opportunity Cell

This cell with computer facilities has been set up to make the following services available to students, parents, visitors, etc.

  • To serve as Information Cell for the college as a whole
  • Guide students in admission process
  • Facilitate differently-abled students
  • Provide information regarding scholarships, grants, etc
  • Serve as a general Help-Desk

Remedial Classes

Remedial Classes were conducted for 2(two) months from 19 August to 19 October 2017, for all subjects which are offered in the college. The sole purpose of this exercise is to help out students coming from rural institutions to cope up with their studies, examinations, etc.

Disabled Friendly Campus

Main objective of this endeavour is to encourage differently- abled students to opt for higher studies by providing appropriate teaching-learning facilities. If proper aids are available, such students can pursue their studies on their own without seeking help from fellow students

  • With this aim in perspective, The College has set up facilities providing
  • Braille Embosser to print class notes, reading materials, books,etc.
  • Lex Instant Reader and Scanner to enable blind students to read from books, etc

Enhancing Soft Skills:

Equity Initiatives of RUSA has enabled the college to organize the first ever Soft Skills and Career Readiness Program for students. 150 (One hundred and fifty)Final year Students were given the opportunity to avail the Skill enhancing program from 28th July 2017 to 6th September 2017. This certificate program consisting of 20 modules of 40hours was conducted by professionals in this field, the Avenues, Shillong.

Workshop for students onPreservation of indigenous Culture and Traditions

Date: 4th December 2017Place: Sadolpara

Sensitization Program on Indigenous Culture and Traditions facilitated students to experience the first hand knowledge of our roots, by visiting Sadolpara Village where traditions of forefathers are kept alive by the inhabitants. Resource Person and village elders explained various customs and rituals including indigenous architecture.

Workshop for students onFood Processing and Preservation

Date: 11th December 2017

To promote entrepreneurship as career option for the youth, and as an answer to curb food

wastage in the region, one day workshop including lectures and visit to a local industry owned by an alumni , has been organised.

Program included

  • Lectures on
    • “Basic Techniques of Food Processing and Preservation” By Shri Jiten Singh, HOD, Department of Food Processing and Preservation, Tura Polytechnic
    • “Economic Importance of Food Preservation” By Shri Tinash Ch Momin, Proprietor, M/s Tinash Agro Industries, Tura and Alumni of TGC
  • Visit to M/s Tinash Agro Industies Participants: Students and Teacher escorts

RUSA Project Implementation Committee ,Tura Government College, Tura:

  • Shri Medan Fernando R Marak, RUSA Institutional Coordinator
  • Smt. Euphemia Ch Momin, Member
  • Smt. Reena Sheerin A Sangma, Member
  • Smt. Eleanor Tweetie M Momin, Member
  • Shri Debasish R Marak, Agency Data Approver
  • Shri Reuter Balzack M Sangma, Nodal Officer, MIS
  • Shri Jerome W Sangma, Nodal Officer, EBSB
  • Dr. Silme D Shira, Member
  • Shri Rabuga M Sangma, Agency Data Operator
Back To Previous Page | Page last updated date: 03-09-2024


The college has a duly appointed IQAC and NAAC steering Committee working tirelessly to get Accreditation from NAAC in the next few years. IQAC headed by Shri Tejan A Momin, Coordinator & Head, Department of Physics is embarked on a path of Quality Initiatives, Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement in the college. The college is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University, Shillong since 1958 and is recognized under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act 1956. The NAAC steering Committee created for this purpose and the various Convenors of the different criterion are working hard to prepare the Self-Study Report (SSR) of the institution and submit to NAAC office Bangalore for assessment and accreditation. The Self Study report was prepared and uploaded to NAAC on 17-02-2022 and has prequalified on 24-04-2022 for further assesment . The Self Study Report can be accessed by clicking the link here: Self Study Report